Libraries Week takes place between the 8–13 October to celebrate our country’s libraries.
Libraries play are very important to our area, helping to bring our community together. That’s why Libraries Week is focusing on how our libraries help with personal well-being. Libraries don’t just give us free access to our favourite author’s and magazine subscriptions they do much much more – bringing communities together, fighting loneliness, and supporting people with their mental health by providing a safe space.
Do you know how libraries help local people…
- Libraries save the NHS £30million per year by improving well-being – a saving like that pays for over 1,000 hard working nurses!
- Research shows that library users have are happier and more satisfied with their lives than non-users.
- Being a regular library user is also associated with good health.
- Reading for pleasure has been linked to a reduction in stress, the symptoms of depression and the risk of developing dementia in later life.
- 76% of adults say reading improves their life and the same number says it helps to make them feel good.
Why not pick up your library card (or sign up for one) and get reading today to celebrate.
If you love your local library you can get involved with Libraries Week too. Just check out their brilliant website here.