Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

Run by the Mental Health Foundation – this Mental Health Awareness Week, 14-20 May 2018, looks at stress and how to cope with it.
For many people the stresses of life can become difficult to deal with so this Mental Health Awareness Week is all about tackling and coping with stress so that it never becomes too much.
Talking with friends and colleagues about your stress can really help to relieve it and so can looking after yourself. You don’t have to be a superhuman, everyone needs a bit of support sometimes. You can also help stress with simple healthy eating, sensible drinking and regular exercise, all of which are proven to increase mental well being. Above all make sure you understand and be proud of yourself for who you are.
Locally the Liberal Democrats are backing the campaign to bring mental health to the forefront of the conversation, and to the forefront of the government’s mind. Campaigning for parity between mental and physical health services.
Many people are now starting to talk about their mental health too. But it can be tough to recognise that we sometimes don’t feel 100% and tough to talk about it if we do. There are tools available to you and talk about it with friends, family or a professional.
And why not wear a green ribbon to promote Mental Health Awareness Week too – you can buy them here.

Here are some useful links for people who want to learn more about mental health –
Mind – Mind is an amazing charity that offers help to anyone struggling with mental illness.
Samaritans – The Samaritans offer support to anyone even if you just want a chat. They’re open for calls 24/7, 365 days a year. You can call them on 116 123 and speak to one of their volunteers. It’s completely anonymous.
NHS – Your GP can help you through a difficult time, as well as help assess you and find local links to help you through a hard time. You can also find details of how to get well at the NHS online here.

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